Born in the small Haryana village of Narwana, Mandeep Mor’s journey was a rather intriguing crossroads between legacy and destiny. At the Chandigarh Hockey Academy, the same ground that honed the skills of greats like Sandeep Singh and Rupinder Pal Singh, Mandeep was immersed in an environment of excellence.
Mandeep Mor’s rise was swift yet steady. From his early days at the Sports Authority of India in Sonipat to his call-up for the junior national camp in 2017, every milestone came with challenges, but he faced them all with calm resolve, ultimately donning the Indian jersey in 2018 at the prestigious Sultan Azlan Shah Cup. He became quite adept at navigating the expectations of a billion-plus support base, soon growing into a leader strong enough to captain the U21 side at the Sultan of Johor Cup.
Now, as he joins the Kalinga Lancers, Mandeep Mor is set to bring his expertise and determination to a new chapter. As a defender with exceptional drag-flicking skills, he will form the linchpin of a new bold approach, combining defensive resilience with attacking precision.
FIH Hockey Pro League 2021-22, 2022-23
Asian Champions Trophy 2021
FIH Hockey 5s World Cup 2024
Hockey 5s Asia Cup 2023
Hockey 5s 2022
Player of the Match - Men's Hockey5s Asia Cup Salalah 2023